Sunday, June 27, 2010

Groundhog Day

I went back to Glenbawn for another training paddle yesterday and it started much the same as last time. A strong breeze and a little on the choppy side. It looked like there was a storm building but I thought what the hell - be a man what could go wrong?
Anyway I headed out from the boat ramp without a soul on the Dam and thought maybe this isn't such a great idea but I definitely need the paddle time.
This time I headed into the waves which meant paddling across to the other side, with the added bonus that I might get some lee from the wind over there. From there I headed to boat harbour did a lap and then headed for home when I could see another storm front building from the north as well.
Overall I paddled 10Km and averaged about 7 km/h which I didn't think was too bad in the conditions.
On the sponsorship side I have had a couple of sources of encouragement over the week with Macquarie Generation confirming they definitely want to be involved as well as receiving a call from Damien @ Jayco Newcastle who also wanted to make a contribution. Good stuff mate - you are a legend!!
Also make sure to keep the 16th of October free as all those that are able to will depart Stockton Bridge to paddle into the harbour where raffles prizes will be drawn. Try to be there - I will post times etc. as time goes on but remember Lake Macquarie Kayaks is able to hire you a Yak if you need one and a percentage of the proceeds go to Camp Quality so make sure to get amongst it!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Glenbawn Training Paddle

Gday Guys
Firstly welcome to all my new followers it is very encouraging to see more people following my progress as I prepare for the big paddle.
It has been good to have no big distractions from training this week with the house finished (and sold for that matter), it is back to training in Ernest. I have been reacquainting myself with the treadmill and got out for a training paddle today.
Even though the work around the house has been quiet physical I am amazed at how quickly I have lost fitness and how much work I will need to do to be paddle ready for October.
Today I got to the dam around 9:00 (Gentleman's hours) for a paddle and was greeted with strong bitterly cold winds and a nice rolling swell that was probably about half a metre - Nice!! Not perturbed I saw the opportunity to really push myself and harden up and thought that as long as conditions didn't deteriorate too much things shouldn't get too bad. So in full bib and brace wetsuit and PFD I unloaded the YAK and set off.
I rounded the first couple of bends to be greeted by a greater blast of wind and waves and a mad fisherman yelling that I was Crazy - big call from a bloke that had obviously camped all night to catch fish out of season I thought! so I pressed on.
A couple of K's paddling hard into the wind I remembered that in my haste to get warm I had forgotten to stretch and that it would be a good option for me now! Only problem was that I was in danger of getting rolled out of the YAK or driven into a dead tree if I wasn't making forward motion. Just have to paddle through it!
By 5Km out I decided I had had enough so I turned only for the wind to pick up bringing the rain with it. The swell was now getting closer to the metre mark and I discovered that a following sea is not the best environment for the little dagger which is designed for rivers and estuaries (ie flat water).
A couple of Bends from home I see my mad fishing mate who is waiving wildly seemingly impressed that I have not drowned!
Right about now I would have given anything for a couple of extra metres of Kayak or even just a rudder but I eventually made it back to a bay just short of the car were I decided that discretion is the better part of valour. I would continue my exercise by walking the last couple of hundred metres to the car. This was really decided for me when I was faced with metre breaking waves heading into the above mentioned cove and not enough steam left in the shoulders to fight it.
Overall I am sore but didn't get submerged and it is good to be back on track. These days while taxing are great preparation, which is what I have to remind myself of as I shiver and shake loading the YAK back onto the car.

Friday, June 11, 2010

No more excuses back in the YAK

Yippee The house is finished!! No more excuses it is time to get back in the Kayak and get some more training K's done. I am really looking forward to it.
On another positive note I have been having some positive talks with a Kayak Importer which I am very excited about. Details are to be confirmed but it looks hopeful that I might have gained a new sponsor. I will keep you all posted as it all unfolds
Hope you are all happy and well and hope to see you on the water soon

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Has it been that long

Sorry Guys I've been very slack with the Blogging and very busy on the other fronts. The housework is almost done here (all but finished the painting). So it's basically just cleaning up and getting the house on the market (fingers crossed that it sells quickly).
On the house front we have bought (well we look at contracts this week) a place in Aberglasslyn so that is good but it has put the pressure on us to get this place sold.
I also attended interviews for Hunter Valley apprentice of the year awards the other week (electrical division) so it has all been happening. I know what your saying how can you be eligible if you finished your apprenticeship? Well apparently it goes on when you are supposed to finish (ie. start of this year) So far I've made it to the final 7 in my division so well see how it goes - I think work is more excited than I am!
Tim's been cutting more teeth on top of everything and not much paddling has been going on - must get back on that wagon now the house is pretty much done!
On the brook to beaches front I have drafted a letter that I am posting to a host of Kayak manufacturers to see if I can get them involved. So far I have found the paddling easier than getting money out of companies so wish me luck!