Gday all
today's original schedule was to get to Hexham but since it's only about 13Km from the terrace I decided that I could do a little better and paddled the extra 13 or so km to get through to Stockton Bridge. Yeh! This actually means that I can have a sleep in and even a day off paddling to spend with the family and mooch around till Saturday when we finish Brook to Beaches completely.
To start with I turned and took a photo of Sue and Tim who waive me off each day (and pick me up as well) and usally take photo's of me. I could not have done this trip without your support and I know it has been as big a mission with our energetic little man for you as it has been for me Sue!
The day started well with pretty good conditions early on combined with a run out tide from the Terrace.
This was lovely as it took a long time to settle into a reasonable stroke and I felt like the paddle weighed an absolute tonne and that I was dragging it through concrete. Not sure what the problem was, as the pain usually comes and goes, but I hurt badly for the fist 6-7 Km until I finally settled into a rhythm and the muscle soreness subsided (or i managed to ignore it - not sure which)
Then all of a sudden I found myself coming up to Hexham and the wind started to pick up but for once it was a tailwind - Yah!! That was a new experience.
Pumped that I had wind and tide going with me I had no hesitation in pushing on to Stockton Bridge which is about another 13Km along the river.
I had meant to check google earth again as I had originally planned to follow the road through Hexham but changed this once the last day paddle start point was decided to be at Stockton Bridge. The river breaks up into all sorts of arms and heads around some islands etc. so it can be a little confusing. That said I decided to stick with the large body of water that was heading towards the ocean (tide was still running out) so figured how lost could I get!!
The only problem with sticking to the main body of water was that the wind had picked up to a howling tailwind which was whipping up large rolling swell (maybe a meter at a guess - felt big to me!). It was nice not to paddle hard but interesting to surf and sail my way to the bridge. I have found in this exercise that the necky is pretty good in a trailing sea and that the large keel works well to keep the boat pointed straight when the wind and waves are trying to push you sideways! Not bad for a 13 foot boat without a rudder! The little touring yak has definitely proved herself to be a competent all rounder on this trip that is for sure! Rapids, touring on flat and in the lumpy stuff and she is tough as nails. Good on ya Necky. I'd own one - if I was allowed to buy a raffle ticket!(lol)
I am excited about getting a day off and hope to get Sue's Hobie out for small/ gentle paddle and a little soft plastics fishing for some flathead along the edges of the harbour tomorrow or generally just spending some time with family. I better give the Yak a wash too - she's a bit grotty!
I hope to see some people on Saturday and most of all finish this epic (for me at least) journey and see the poor banged up boat find a new home! She has some battle scars but is still going strong and tracking straight. It is a testament to how tough poly yaks are these days that is for sure!
thanks for your continued support and encouragement