Denman to Jerry's has had me bluffed a little I must admit. Up until Denman there have been a lot of fallen trees/ fences to contend with as well as allot of shallow water. That coupled with an estimated 32km leg and I have been a little slow to step up to the plate!
We decided that since Sue's Mum is here at the moment that it would be a perfect time to have a crack - since it didn't mattter how long it took me to complete.
As it turned out it was quiet an adventure witht the first seven Km's being littered with fallen trees and fences!
At approx the 7Km mark I paddled through some small rapids and hit a fallen tree/ log , broadside, wihich promptly capsised me and Kayak. On the positive side I was able to drag myself out of the Yak and found my Kayak floats full of water. It took some emptying once on the side of the bank but it provided a chance for a nut bar and a drink - no real damage done - just a little more wary and waterlogged!
The next obstacle was were a overenthusiastic farmer decided to run two strands of electric fence across the river! *^%$!!! Ouch that hurt - I can usually slide under one without getting booted but this one belted me good!!!
From there the obstacles included rapids and even some I beams with with Wire that ran for a Km or so along the middle of the river running parallel with the river bank (what the? ).
I have found many times already that just when you think you have a leg beat that the river has another surprise or too to either get you wet or keep you on your toes! This leg had plenty of surprises so no real time to get board.
As it turned out the leg was actually nearly 36Km (small miscalculation with google maps) so I was very keen to finally see the bridge and my lovely smiling wife in the Pajero.
I am positive that the first legs will be the toughest - although I didn't have to walk much this time due to rain and the water board releasing water out of the Dam.
I will try to add a couple of pics of the river. Keep looking in for updates - thanks to my 2 new Followers
Cooeeeeeeeeeeee Phil. Good on you. You're now in my feeds so I'll be keeping an eye on you.
Gday Trigger
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