Yesterday I finally got back into the Yak (inbetween digging and barrowing dirt) I decided to do a training paddle from Raymond Terrace to Hexham.
Being a shorter one I convinced Dad to come with me assuring him that it would be a gentle 10Km paddle.
Well we got in at the Raymond Terrace boat ramp about 2:00pm and it was perfect weather, but first bend we rounded and the wind was blowing hard! Poor Dad - so much for the gentle paddle. It blew hard into our faces for the first 5Km but Dad is a trooper and was detirmined to see it through to the end!
My easy ten Km blew out to 12.5Km - the first 5-6 into a strong Headwing!
By the time we got to Hexham we were pulling in in the dark - and we were both ready to get in the warm car!
The last couple of hours were absolutely magic as the wind dropped off and the sun was setting over the water!!!
Overall it was good to back on the water and to get a couple more Km's of river under my belt so I can be sure of what I will be tackling on this stretch come October!
See ya for now. Don't be strangers!
Oh on another note I have been saying to some that Carrington might be a good spot to launch spot for people joining the paddle on the last day. For those that know the Hunter you might have picked up on a small problem - Carrington is not on the Hunter!!! I am currently looking for a new spot - that is on the way!!! Maybey Stockton Bridge, but I will have to talk to Brett.
I will keep you posted - please join me on the last day if you can - A part of the money raised through Hire will go to camp quality and I would love to paddle with you as I reach my destination.
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